Thought Leadership For CyberSecurity and DevSecOps



The Security Champions is a new online video series that features entertaining and educational content about integrated security, thought leadership in cybersecurity and DevSecOps, and interviews with industry experts.

With episodes released on YouTube and shorter form videos embedded into various social media platforms, The Security Champions is reaching a wide audience and making security more accessible and engaging than ever before.

The show’s objective is to make security educational and entertaining at the same time. It’s quickly becoming a “must watch” show.



How To Build a Security Culture in IT

How To Build a Security Culture in IT

Building a secure culture in IT organizations involves integrating security testing early on, fostering collaboration and problem-solving, implementing practical risk reduction measures, and prioritizing client satisfaction.

Challenges In Application Security

Challenges In Application Security

What are the biggest challenges in application security testing? Where do you begin? Scott Moore talks with Ron Foster of Saltworks Security about what he sees as the first steps to overcoming these challenges.

The Security Champions: A New Video Series

The Security Champions: A New Video Series

The Security Champions is a new online video series that’s taking the security industry by storm. The show features entertaining and educational content about integrated security, thought leadership in cybersecurity and DevSecOps, and interviews with industry experts.
